July 1, 2021

Moving Soon? How to become happier at home? 8 Simple Ideas

You just moved, your movers are gone, your cleaners are gone and you have a perfectly clean house, and all the details are selected thoroughly and with special care…It does not guarantee that you will feel comfortable there.

Recent research have shown that in order to find harmony in the home, you just need to add sweet aromas, soothing colors and comfortable accessories to the interior.
Lets explore together the full list of must-haves for a happy life.

1. Green or yellow walls.

Scientists of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have chose two: yellow and green colors from all the colors of the rainbow. It is not without purpose.
These two tones caused the greatest feeling of happiness. Dutch went ahead and highly recommended to paint all the walls of the apartment in the shade of a yellow-green palette.
The choice, of course, is up to you, but we suggest to choose one color green or yellow for all the walls at least in one room.

2. Fresh Flowers.

Believe me, we are also terribly sorry to throw away the faded flowers.
Nevertheless, according to science, artificial flowers are worthless investment in your happiness.
The Rutgers University conducted a study and found that the fresh flowers give the feeling of satisfaction with life and, as a consequence, the felling of happiness.
So go ahead, it’s time to buy those Peony roses in flower shop at the corner.

3. Family Photos.

If your bedside table is a still life of books and a glass of water, it is high time for changes.
At the University of Portsmouth have come to the conclusion that we all experience positive emotions and a sense of calm while looking at old photos.
Therefore take out your the most lovely family photos and please yourself with no qualms about.

4. Candles with the vanilla scent.

Why do people after a busy day light the vanilla aroma candle?
It is simple: it has super relaxing effect.
The study of Chemical Senses Center proves that vanilla is incredibly effective method for dealing with stress.
And apparently, replenish strategic reserves of aroma-candles and don’t be afraid of winter or autumn blues.

5. Floral scents.

Next time when you will choose a new perfume or air freshener water, make sure to pay close attention to flavors and scents.
The fact is that the olfactory receptors in the nose associated with that part of the brain that is responsible for the emotions.
As found by the scientists from the Association for Psychological Science, floral aromas are extremely beneficial to your felling of happiness.

6. Neat Bed.

No wonder all of us were taught as a child to make the bed carefully every morning.
According to the survey of Hunch.com 71% of people who make their own bed, consider themselves lucky and happy, as opposed to 62% unhappy who has unkempt beds.
We do believe that the extra two minutes spent on making the bed are worth a happy day.

7. It is better less than more.

Scientists from the Canadian Center for everyday life and the family conducted a study, whether there is a link between high level of stress hormones and the houses with an excess amount of the interior items.
It turns out that the more things are in the apartment, the greater stress you are experiencing.
It is because the excess of objects makes the interior cluttered and subconsciously associated with the mess.
In order to live in harmony with yourself try to be minimalistic.

8. The dog is the best friend for a man, remember?

The reason for such a close relationship between people and animals is simple.  The study published in the “Journal of Psychology of Personality and Social Psychology” states that animals  are really great psychologists: they support and assist their owners in difficult and stressful situations. And certainly improve people’s life. Make a comfortable place for your pet – ideal house for a dog will be in the corner of the room. Cats really like “branches”: high shelves or closets – put a comfy basket there and your pet will be very grateful to you.

I truly hope this article will not only inspire you, but also make you feel a bit more cozier at home, a bit more happier 🙂

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